Happy Match

Our Testimonials

Please contact customer support if you would like to leave a testimonial about our services.

Khalid, North Carolina

      I came to know Be Happy Agency from their website. I was very impressed by the extensive services that they offered and decided to join them. I selected some ladies from their extensive database and communicated with them by e-mail. Then I went to Tver to meet these ladies. Yaroslav and his team promptly arranged my meetings with the ladies. Yaroslav gave me his cell phone number and offered 24-hour assistance. He showed me his…

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Brian, London, England

      I can certainly recommend the Be Happy Agency if you wish to find a beautiful woman from Tver. The choice of ladies is very good and everyone is extremely friendly. My recent visit to Tver was well organised by Yaroslav and his staff. I was picked up as planned from Moscow airport by a caring interpreter and a helpful taxi driver. The hotel was fine being right in the centre of Tver. Anything you want…

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Fredric, Minnesota, U.S.A.

      I would like to recommend the "Be Happy" Agency to anyone who is out there looking for the right girl in life.

     Yaroslav and his team have been more than willing to to meet my needs, from Email, to phone translation, and to accommodate my every need when I plan to visit TVER. When I was in Tver Yaroslav told me about his agency, he showed me around his well organized office. And I can say that after…

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Steve, Indiana

      I can highly recommend Yaroslav and his team at the Be Happy agency to anyone who is interested in finding a girlfriend or potential wife in Russia. His team shows a level of customer service that is second to none.

     The Be Happy agency could even give lessons to American companies on how to treat the customer. Be Happy agency really makes your wants and needs the top priority. They know all the girls personally plus…

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Mark, Ohio

Dear Ekaterina! Thank you for calling me at the scheduled time, I was very glad to talk to you on the phone and to discuss the details of my future trip to Tver. It seems to me that we have arranged everything. I would love to stay in the European style apartment, the photos are really great and I have no doubts that they correspond to the apartment fully! I will be waiting for…

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