Nos matchs heureux

Meng was look­ing for some­one to com­plete her fam­i­ly and be a fa­ther to her son and for Tim, fam­i­ly was the most im­por­tant thing so it is no sur­prise that when th­ese two met on this site, they quick­ly fell in love.

Lire la suite

Tom was lone­ly and look­ing for love and Jie was search­ing for a fam­i­ly life full of hap­pi­ness so when they found each other, there was no doubt they would be spend­ing the rest of their lives to­gether.

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Af­ter be­ing sin­gle for 10 years, Jeff de­cid­ed to let fate and this site find him some­one to love and then sud­den­ly Jie ap­peared and now they could not be hap­pi­er!

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Yang hoped she would meet the love of her life on this site and af­ter search­ing through many pro­files, she found Tim who had al­so been look­ing for some­one very spe­cial for a while. Now they are to­tal­ly in love and can’t imagine life with each other.

Lire la suite

Jing was look­ing for some­one to give her heart to and share her life with and Mat just want­ed to love and be loved so when they found each other on this site, their fu­ture to­gether was sealed!

Lire la suite

When they re­al­ized how lone­ly they were, Kate in Chi­na and Rob in the USA both de­cid­ed to join this site and when they found each other, it was love at first sight and now not even dis­tance will ev­er keep them apart.

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Fei joined the web­site to try to find some­one to love from abroad and feels so lucky to have found Jan in the USA be­cause now they are to­gether and know their lives will be filled with hap­pi­ness.

Lire la suite

Al­though she had dat­ed be­fore, Juan had nev­er found the hap­py end­ing she longed for un­til she met Jim who melt­ed her heart, and now they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried and will nev­er be lone­ly again.

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When Helen de­cid­ed she should try to find her true love in a dif­fer­ent coun­try, she was lucky enough to meet Ed­ward whose con­fi­dence in their fu­ture soon re­as­sured Helen that they just had to be to­gether de­spite any lan­guage or cul­tu­r­al bar­ri­ers.

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Al­though Kai and Tom lived in dif­fer­ent coun­tries, they both knew they want­ed to end the lone­li­ness they felt and find some­one spe­cial to start a new life with. And that is just what hap­pened af­ter they met on this site!

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Even though Eka­te­ri­na and James had to wait one whole year be­fore they could meet in per­son, they al­ready knew they want­ed the same things in life so when they fi­nal­ly did meet, of course, they fell in love com­plete­ly!

Lire la suite

Mei and Gary were each hop­ing to find some­one to share their life with and are so glad they met on this site be­cause now Mei feels like a cher­ished princess ev­ery day and Gary has found hope, light, and love.

Lire la suite

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