Aleksandra from Poltava, Ukraine

This week we are glad to introduce a gorgeous lady Aleksandra from Poltava, Ukraine. It is high time to let a festive person enter your life, and here you go! Meet Aleksandra and let her change your world. Enjoy Aleksandra's amazing story and pictures today.

Hello my Friend,

Nice to meet you here. I would like you to know a bit more about me, let me please begin my story. I am a lucky lady because my job is my favorite hobby.

As you probably know, I am a designer and an art director assistant. I work for the biggest and the most popular night club here in my native town. I am a person with good imagination and rich fantasy.

I organize parties and give my guests loads of fun and pleasant moments to remember. I am optimistic, funny and bright. I love to be at the center of attention. I have plenty of ideas on how to make my club be the most interesting and famous place in my town.

I love art, fashion, music and live concerts. Everything from this list is connected with my job. I design dresses and cloths for each party myself. Please have a look at my photos, and you will see the results of my work!

If you choose to contact me, you will never feel bored with me. Welcome to my life!


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