Julia from Nikopol, Ukraine

This week we are proud to introduce a stunning lady Julia from Nikopol, Ukraine. Julia is a fragile lady on the outside, and is very strong on the inside. Do you want to know why it is so? Just read Julia’s fascinating story, and enjoy viewing her thrilling photos!


My name is Julia, and I have an intriguing hobby! Not so long ago, I fell in love with pole dance. The first thing that impressed me much about this dance was its grace and sensuality. When I saw it for the first time I really enjoyed it, but at that moment, it seemed something impossible and unreal to move the way those ladies moved, twisting and almost flying.

It was a kind of science fiction for me! That moment I understood that I would not just love it, but I would live it! Now it is a part of my life. First, pole dance is a sport. It combines dancing, choreography, artistry and sensuality. Those ladies who choose to learn and practice pole dancing are not weak ladies, as it requires huge physical and mental efforts.

On the outside, a woman seems to be very fragile, but on the inside, she has loads of psychological and emotional force. Pole dance allows revealing this power. And everything in life turns out to be just great, because when you love yourself and believe in yourself you can cope with anything!

Everything that I do inspires me, and pole dancing too. When I do what I love, I feel harmony inside. Hope one day you will join me!


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