Eugenia from Odessa, Ukraine

This week we are glad to introduce an optimistic Eugenia from sunny Odessa, Ukraine. Ladies who manage to combine a great number of positive traits of character are rather few, and Eugenia is the one who does it skilfully! Read inspiring Eugenia’s story and enjoy viewing her unique pictures!

Hello my dear Friend! How are you?

My name is I am very optimistic and active in my life. I don’t like sitting around and doing nothing, which is why I have a lot of hobbies. I love nature and being outdoors, so I often go for walks to the park or to the sea.

It’s amazing to smell the fresh sea air or to feel the rustle of yellow leaves under your feet. I have a favorite place to go to when I want to think or just relax and forget about everything. The spot is located right on the coastline with yellow sand and some lush greenery nearby.

I think that it is important to grow spiritually and educate yourself as much as possible. To that end, I often attend different events and visit theatres, cinemas, exhibitions, and art galleries. One of my favorite theatres is the Opera House in Odessa.

It is a true masterpiece! I try to go there every time a new show opens. Do you enjoy the theatre? I hope you do, and I hope we will visit Odessa Opera House together when you come to visit me!

Best wishes,

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