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Exciting News Alert! Streaming Returns!

d61f3f9c818c5e3f.jpgWe are thrilled to announce that on October 2nd we will be launching a fantastic new Streaming service to make your virtual dates even more memorable! Get ready for a brand new experience!

Just imagine, the best streamers on our site broadcasting their cool and exciting live videos, eagerly awaiting your attention and communication. What could be better than live communication with a charming conversationalist?

Ask questions, suggest discussion topics, send virtual gifts, and even invite the streamers to a private chat. Have a great time with our streamers!

Enjoy the first 3 minutes of streaming every day completely free* and after that initial 3 minute period, pay just 2 credits per hour of streaming.

Experience supercharged emotions on a new level with our streaming service!

*You can spend 3 minutes a day watching just 1 streamer or divide them between other streamers, that's up to you.
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