Vegard, Norway

How are you? I am very happy today back in Norway. But I was sad to leave Tver.I almost had tears in my eyes sitting at the airport in Moscow. I miss you and behappy2day. This trip meant alot to me. Seems to me that you love listening to music like me. I remember looking at you singing and dancing in your chair. It's just perfect that a happy girl like you work at Behappy2day. I wanted to stop by at the office before I went to the airport on Monday. I wanted to thank you in person and say goodbye. I actually went to the office before 10(too early). Then I ran to the appartment where they were picking me up at 10. So you understand that I am very thankful to you and your staff for everything. I had a date every day and that was my goal.I'm very pleased with the girls who really found time to meet me. Please say hello to my friends at Be Happy office.

Your friend Vegard from Norway.
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