Happy Match

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Edward, the UK

There are a lot of positives about using this website. It is well organised and easy to filter through the different profiles to find the ones that matter to you. The profiles give a lot of detail that is important to know before making contact – you have to read these with a bit of caution of course – but then you get to chat with the people directly. I remember noticing…

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Ben and Ting

Next year will be the tenth an­niver­sary of the be­gin­n­ing of Ben and Ting's re­la­tion­ship. They met on this web­site nine years ago. Ben is an Amer­i­can fi­nan­cial an­alyst and Ting is a kin­der­garten teach­er in Chi­na. They are like a cou­ple of tee­nagers in love.

When Ben visit­ed this site, he was im­me­di­ate­ly at­tract­ed by the sim­ple and love­ly beau­ty of Ting. He stayed up all night to write a long love let­ter to her but wor­ried that Ting's En­glish lev­el may be limit­ed and that she would not un­der­s­tand. So, at the end of that long love let­ter, he add­ed, “My sto­ry is too long so I will keep it short in­stead - I have fall­en in love with you”…

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Cliff and Irina

This love sto­ry be­gan one au­tumn day in 2017… and then, af­ter that, Cliff and Iri­na com­mu­ni­cat­ed for a long time. Their re­la­tion­ship was like a fairy tale! Af­ter months of cor­re­spon­dence, Iri­na knew a lot about Cliff and he knew ev­ery­thing about her. More and more of­ten, the idea of fi­nal­ly meet­ing be­gan to crop up dur­ing their con­ver­sa­tions... And fi­nal­ly they agreed to meet in Odes­sa, the re­sort ci­ty of Ukraine.

They met on a sun­ny spring day in 2018. It was so fun­ny! In front of Iri­na stood a man who, from the out­side, ap­peared to be a com­plete stranger. Un­fa­miliar fa­cial fea­tures, un­fa­miliar scent and an un­fa­miliar tone of voice and yet… she knew al­most ev­ery­thing about him…

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Elias, Finland

I’m a very shy person by nature, so it’s definitely easier for me to communicate online. But when I started chatting with Anastasia, everything has changed. I was so eager to meet her in real life that I decided to come to Ukraine! Well, it was perfect, she was even better than on photos. So, I’d like to thank you for all of this!!! 

George and Lihua

Ge­orge and Li­hua met in an in­ter­est­ing and ro­man­tic way.

Ge­orge, a Ca­na­dian elec­tri­cal en­gi­neer, was a se­ri­ous man. He didn't come here to this site with any great ex­pec­ta­tions but his Chi­nese friends en­cour­aged him to try it.

One day, about two months af­ter he had signed up to the site, he came across Li­hua, who was a year old­er than him. He said ‘Hi’…

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Alan and Elena

A love sto­ry with a for­eign­er… First dates are nev­er easy but a first date with a man from another coun­try is so much hard­er! It usu­al­ly in­volves mo­ments of awk­ward si­lence, the fear of hav­ing food stuck be­tween your teeth, won­der­ing if he’s no­ticed your ner­vous­ness or your new dress, think­ing you might have said some­thing re­al­ly stupid...

I’m sure you un­der­s­tand ex­act­ly what I mean! But not this time! The first date with Alan was just per­fect! Through­out our date he showed me the things there are to love about him - his pas­sion, his heart and his hu­mor.

He spent two weeks in my na­tive town. We spent to­gether ev­ery day!! We visit­ed a lot of places here... He showed me that he was not very good at sing­ing at all but was a re­al­ly great dancer! Ha-ha-ha...

No one has ev­er brought so much hap­pi­ness to my life but Alan. When I’m with him…

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Nick, the USA

This is one fun site! You get to see all these gorgeous women all in a row – and in their profiles they give you all the details that you need to know to make a choice about which one you want to chat to. I like the fact that you can search really easy with the things that are important to you – this makes it so much quicker and easier to filter…

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Ben and Jian Ying

Jian Ying and Ben met each other on the dat­ing site.

Jian Ying is 47 years old, very nice and friend­ly and she is a teach­er from Chang­sha. She has known Ben ev­er since she joined the dat­ing site and at first it was dif­fi­cult to com­mu­ni­cate un­til Ben start­ed to teach Jian Ying En­glish. Then they were in con­tact all the time, writ­ing to each other and chatt­ing to each other via video or on the phone.

Jian Ying told us that Ben was a very good En­glish teach­er and, even be­fore they met in re­al life, they were able to com­mu­ni­cate with each other re­al­ly well.

Ben told us that when he first saw Jian Ying on the web­site…

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Moritz, Germany

Finally, after a difficult divorce, I’ve decided to start a new relationship. Among thousands of profiles on your website, I found a really pretty lady. Her name is Anastasia and she’s very beautiful and funny. We always have something to talk about and to laugh at. I think she is my real soul mate, my true love, my heart. Thank you so much!!!

Adriano and Ekaterina

Hi, my name is Eka­te­ri­na. I want to share with you my pos­i­tive ex­pe­ri­ence on this site! I am very glad that I reg­is­tered be­cause I be­lieve that we should use ev­ery chance to find hap­pi­ness. I al­so be­lieve in destiny and true love. I be­gan com­mu­ni­cat­ing with Adriano, who is from Ita­ly, sev­er­al months ago and we soon felt that we had a lot in com­mon.…

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