Lady in red is waiting for you....

Tatiana from Mariupol, Ukraine

We are proud to introduce you a gorgeous lady Tatiana from Mariupol, Ukraine. Tatiana is a lady who possesses quite a rare quality to see the beauty in usual and regular things around. Tatiana’s favorite hobby allows her to capture and save the precious moments. Today the lady shares her thoughts with you and lets you have a deeper look at her inner world. Read what Tatiana’s biggest passion is and enjoy viewing her unique photos for free!

Hello my friend,

Thank you for reading my story today.

I'm finding myself interested in photography. You can not stop time but you can catch special moments. I think it’s truly magical, and of course it's art. I enjoy taking pictures of my friends and people around me. I love to see them smiling when they look at the photos and like the pictures I have taken :).

I also like to take pictures of nature, my camera is always with me when I'm going outdoors or traveling. The world is so beautiful! I dream of discovering all of its beauty with my beloved man and to share impressions with him.  I also want us to have photos that will remind us of wonderful moments we have spent together :).

Best wishes,

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