Do you want your fire lady? Look into my eyes... Do you see the fire, dear?

Darya from Kharkov, Ukraine

This week we are delighted to introduce you a stunning young lady Darya from Kharkov, Ukraine. The unusual, bright beauty of this lady attracts attention at a glance and makes think what secrets these deep eyes hide. Would you like to know them all? Read Darya’s story and enjoy viewing her wonderful photos.

Hi Hon­ey,

My name is Darya.

I want to tell you all about my­self. I am a sim­ple but open mind­ed lady who is look­ing for some­thing re­al and some­one who is se­ri­ous about ex­pe­ri­enc­ing new feel­ings! I don’t want to miss any op­por­tu­ni­ty to en­joy life be­cause, af­ter all, you on­ly live once! And I re­al­ly don’t want to be alone any­more! I am pas­sio­nate and full of de­sires and dreams!

Red-head­ed ladies are the most pas­sio­nate ladies in the world, did you know that? I am look­ing for a man who is ready to feel love and ready to share his feel­ings with me! I want you to just be your­self with me, re­al, noth­ing more than you re­al­ly are. I want you to un­der­s­tand that, for me, in­n­er beau­ty is much more im­por­tant than ex­te­ri­or ap­pear­ance.

It would be my plea­sure to hear your dreams as well so maybe I can be­come like a lit­tle fairy for you and make all your wish­es come true? Mm­mm? I am kind and sin­cere and al­ways hon­est with the peo­ple around me. Maybe it is a dis­ad­van­tage but I tru­ly think that hon­es­ty is the most im­por­tant thing in life and in re­la­tion­ships as well. I al­so have won­der­ful imag­i­na­tion and I still be­lieve in mir­a­cles so here I am, wait­ing for you, the man of my dreams!

Hugs and kiss­es,

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