Ludmila de Poltava, Ukraine

This week we are glad to introduce a beautiful lady Ludmila from Poltava, Ukraine. Ludmila loves travelling and visiting new places to broaden her mind and experience new things and emotions. Would you love to know more? Here are Ludmila’s story and her nice pictures for you.

Hi my Friend,

I am Lud­mi­la

Since child­hood I was a very ac­tive child, I couldn't just sit still! So now that I'm grown up, I try to spend all the free time in move­ment. My hob­by is trav­el­ing. I just love to vis­it dif­fer­ent places, which have an in­ter­est­ing sto­ry. I'm hap­py I can spend hours lis­ten­ing to sto­ries about im­por­tant events, so I’m al­ways hap­py to vis­it mu­se­ums and ex­hi­bi­tions. If it is not pos­si­ble to get some­where on a trip, I do not de­spond! I'm al­ways glad to go to your fam­i­ly or friends. We are defi­nite­ly go­ing for a walk in the park, tak­ing with us a cam­era to cap­ture the fun mo­ments. Some­times when I'm sad, I just love an even­ing stroll through the streets of my beloved ci­ty and sit in a cozy cafe with a cup of hot cho­co­late.

When I have time, I am hap­py to run through the park, lis­ten­ing to my fa­vorite mu­sic and feel­ing as if my body is filled with en­er­gy! I am a very hard­work­ing per­son, but with­out it the rest of my life would be very emp­ty!!!

The main fea­ture of my char­ac­ter is kind­ness and com­pas­sion. I love life, so al­ways try to treat any life si­t­u­a­tions in a pos­i­tive way. About me, they say I'm well-bred and po­lite, but I think this is how it should be for ev­ery­body. I have a strong char­ac­ter, and a ded­i­cat­ed, hard­work­ing, cheer­ful dis­po­si­tion. With­out th­ese qual­i­ties, I would not have achieved what I have now. But there is one trait which of­ten makes me feel not very good. This is apa­thy. Some­times I just need a fresh pos­i­tive charge and con­fi­dence to achieve new heights.

I try to treat others as I would have want­ed to be treat­ed. I be­lieve that each of us have more to give to others, not de­mand­ing or ex­pect­ing any­thing in re­turn. My main cre­do: "Live as if to­day is your last day!"

I ap­pre­ci­ate in peo­ple a sense of hu­mor, so for me it is im­por­tant that the man is cheer­ful and graces our lives with smiles and fun! When I meet such a per­son, I just know that we will be able to cre­ate a full fam­i­ly. The fam­i­ly is a re­al trea­sure that we should not on­ly cre­ate, but al­so be able to save. And on this site I would like to meet a man for whom fam­i­ly val­ues would be in first place.

With hugs and kiss­es,

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