Elina from Kiev, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a charming lady Elina from Kiev, Ukraine. Elina is a modest, kind and tender lady who likes dancing, music and watching films. She is looking for good, deep and fruitful relationships that lead to having a family. Would you like to know more about her? Read Elina’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hel­lo... by the way, do you know the sto­ry be­hind the word ‘Hel­lo’? If not, write to me and I'll tell you, it's very ro­man­tic and in­ter­est­ing... all about some true love... Well, to tell the truth I don't like to write about my­self be­cause it sounds too much like some sort of ad­ver­tise­ment. If I were my own PR ma­n­ag­er, I'd be a bad one))) Just kid­d­ing but I can write about one thing about my­self that is much more im­por­tant than my ap­pear­ance...

I'm sup­por­tive and help­ful. I think that the hand that wipes the tears from your face when you feel bad is bet­ter than the hun­dreds of hands that ap­plaud when you achieve suc­cess. Dear, do you agree?

Any­one who is trou­bled can al­ways re­ly on me no mat­ter what time of day or night. Beau­ty is cool but the beau­ty of some­one’s char­ac­ter and their soul are much more im­por­tant both in a wo­m­an and in a man.

If on­ly our eyes could see each other’s souls in­stead of our bodies, how very dif­fer­ent our ide­als of beau­ty would be...


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