Svetlana de Kiev, Ukraine

This week we are glad to introduce a marvelous lady Svetlana from Kiev, Ukraine. The big passion of her is pole dance, that’s why her body keeps a good shape and she is very gorgeous. Enjoy viewing the photos representing Svetlana’s hobby to admire her beautiful body and read her letter to you.


I am pleased you are look­ing at my pro­file to get to know a lit­tle about me! I hope that we will be able to get to know each other too. First of all, I want to in­tro­duce my­self to you!

My name is Svet­la­na, and I am on this web­site in the hope of find­ing a man who will light the fire of love, pas­sion and ro­mance within me and who will lead me to a life of hap­pi­ness and joy! In my opinion, re­la­tion­ships must be built on mu­tu­al in­ter­est and a de­sire to make each other's life as hap­py as pos­si­ble.

I am a wo­m­an who en­joys an ac­tive lifestyle, I am keen on sports and lead a busy so­cial life. In my younger days, I was a gym­nast and cir­cus per­former and the pas­sion for sport has nev­er left me. I am still close­ly con­nect­ed to it and cont­in­ue do­ing it ev­ery day - I work as a fit­ness train­er. Hav­ing a chance to do what I like in­spires me great­ly - when I see my clients be­come healthi­er, more at­trac­tive, hap­pi­er and more suc­cess­ful - I feel over the moon for both my­self and for them! In my opinion, age is not the fac­tor which should define the kind of life we have to lead.

If you feel young deep in your heart, your body will feel like that too! The abil­i­ties of our bodies are im­mense! I have re­cent­ly tak­en up a new hob­by. Now I spend a lot of my even­ings in the gym, prac­tic­ing pole danc­ing! It's a won­der­ful sport which can make the body flex­i­ble and strong! Fur­ther­more, in my opinion, pole danc­ing is al­so a form of art, it is al­ways en­joy­able to watch a per­son do­ing the ex­er­cise. I hope you like my pho­tos and that we will soon be­gin our ac­quain­tance!

Look­ing for­ward to your re­p­ly!

Sin­cere­ly yours,

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