Lyubov de Korostyshev, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a charming woman Lyubov from Korostyshev, Ukraine. Lyubov is a cheerful, responsible, goal-oriented, and strong person who cherishes her family. She wants to meet a supportive man who will share her interests and views on life. Would you like to know more about her? Read Lyubov’s story and enjoy her beautiful photos.

Hel­lo to ev­ery­one vis­it­ing this page, I’m very pleased to meet you. My name is Lyubov and I’d like to share some sim­ple but still im­por­tant things about my life.

First­ly, I’m re­spon­si­ble and goal-ori­ent­ed so, if I have a dream, I al­ways take steps to achieve that dream. Al­so, while I’m a re­al­ist, I do think it’s pos­si­ble to find a good side to ev­ery si­t­u­a­tion. I’m a cheer­ful per­son who likes mak­ing jokes. To my mind, a smile makes us more beau­ti­ful and al­so helps us to live longer. I love sports and I like to lead a healthy lifestyle, I like the feel­ing of be­ing healthy, strong, and en­dur­ing.

I al­so try not to miss the op­por­tu­ni­ty to spend my week­ends some­where in the coun­try­side, or even bet­ter - by the sea. This gives me strength, in­spi­ra­tion and zeal to car­ry on work­ing! I love to feel the sun's rays on my body - this is re­al re­lax­a­tion!

Some­times though, I find that it seems that we just can’t find the time to en­joy sim­ple plea­sures - the sun, swim­ming in the sea, or just sitt­ing on the grass and eat­ing a de­li­cious sand­wich.

The point is that in our dai­ly rou­tine, we need to find time for our­selves, our lit­tle joys, some peace and our thoughts.

As you read th­ese thoughts of mine, I would ad­vise you to do some­thing right now that will bring you joy and plea­sure.

Seize the mo­ment!

Best wish­es,

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