Anna de Kiev, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a young woman Anna from Kiev, Ukraine. Anna is an independent, confident, self-sufficient person who wants to become a better version of herself. Anna is passionate about fashion, modeling, and DIY things. She wants to meet a strong, smart, energetic, and cheerful man with a great sense of humor and positive views on life. Would you like to know more about her? Read Anna’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.


My name is An­na and I’m a wo­m­an who adores ad­ven­tures! I can­not just sit around and watch TV. I’m al­ways on the move! My dream is to trav­el the world, meet in­ter­est­ing peo­ple, find the man of my life and just be hap­py! My life mot­to is - no re­grets, what’s done is done! I’m open-mind­ed, pos­i­tive, and straight­for­ward!

I’m look­ing for­ward to gett­ing my di­plo­ma as a den­tist! Then, per­haps I will have less time for ad­ven­tures, but more time and a de­sire to grow, live, and en­joy life! Along with that, I’ll cont­in­ue work­ing as a part time mod­el! Which role do you see me in more vivid­ly - a den­tist or a mod­el?

I can al­so be a good wife, lover, friend, and part­n­er! Some­times I think that life is so short, we need to see as much as pos­si­ble, to feel as dee­p­ly as pos­si­ble, to help as much as pos­si­ble.

I’m dy­ing to learn what life has in store for me this year! What’s more, bet­ter to meet each other once than write 100 times, am I right?

So why don’t we give it a try? This year? This sum­mer?


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