Olga from Sofia, Bulgaria

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a beautiful woman Olga from Sofia, Bulgaria. Olga is a serious lady. She tries to be positive and optimistic, despite the problems that might be on her way. Olga is looking for an honest, caring, active and understanding man. Would you like to know more about her? Read Olga’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.


My name is Ol­ga and you are wel­come in­to my life. You will find me pa­tient , well bal­anced, un­der­s­tand­ing and calm. I am sure that it is pos­si­ble to solve any­thing with the help of such a pow­er­ful thing as a com­pro­mise. I am al­so a good lis­ten­er. At the same time, I'm full of en­er­gy in­side and I'm ready to move moun­tains)

Per­so­n­al de­vel­op­ment has be­come very im­por­tant to me. I am sure that self-im­prove­ment is re­al­ly im­por­tant to our hap­pi­ness but it’s some­thing that we of­ten for­get to pri­or­i­tize.

I al­ways want my per­so­n­al growth to cont­in­ue. To be hon­est, my growth jour­ney has seen its share of fail­ures and suc­cess­es but I do not plan to stop.

I just want to be much bet­ter per­son to­mor­row than I am to­day. What am I do­ing to achieve that? Well, I read a book ev­ery day and feed my brain with more and more knowl­edge. I al­so like to take up new cours­es, not long-term ones be­cause I pre­fer sem­i­nars and work­shops.

I try not to watch TV be­cause I think time is bet­ter spent with close friends or fam­i­ly, do­ing a hob­by I en­joy, or ex­er­cis­ing.

What is one thing you could start do­ing to­day that would most im­prove the qual­i­ty of your life? 


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