Alina from Poltava, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a pretty woman Alina from Poltava, Ukraine. Alina is a friendly, calm, kind, sociable, purposeful, and a little shy person with a good sense of humor. She adores reading classical literature, creating something beautiful, and going for a walk. Alina’s looking for a faithful, open-minded, kind, cheerful, and goal-oriented man whom she'll share the joy of life with. Would you like to know more about her? Read Alina’s story and enjoy her beautiful photos.

Hi there,

My name is Ali­na and I have a ques­tion for you: do you have any hob­bies? Be­cause I have a lot of them. When I was a kid I dreamt of hav­ing my own house with a big gar­den. I ab­so­lute­ly adore flow­ers and fruits!

For the last 10 years, there had al­ways been a pic­ture of flow­ers on my desk and I had a mi­ni-gar­den in flow­er­pots in my apart­ment.

When a dream is born in one’s heart, ar­dent and rest­less, this dream is even­tu­al­ly bound to come true. Now I live out of town and have my own gar­den and I work in it ev­ery day for a few hours.

Gar­den­ing is a very pleas­ant and re­ward­ing hob­by. Gar­den­ing is al­so a won­der­ful way to ap­pre­ci­ate na­ture and be­ing out­doors too.

There are two parts in my gar­den. In one part, I plant dif­fer­ent kinds of flow­ers and in the other I have a few fruit trees. I have al­ways want­ed to plant more fruit trees and pre­serve fruit. I like eat­ing the de­li­cious fruits, veg­eta­bles and herbs that I grow.

I al­so en­joy sitt­ing out­side in the even­ing, drink­ing wine and talk­ing with friends. Would you like to join me some day?


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