Anna de Poltava, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a stunning woman Anna from Poltava, Ukraine. Anna is a very sociable, optimistic, active, energetic person who likes colourful sunsets, beautiful beaches, and early sunrises. She enjoys reading books and learning foreign languages. Anna’s looking for a man who wants to create a loving family based on respect and mutual understanding. Would you like to know more about her? Read Anna’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.


My name is An­na and I’m a very pos­i­tive, kind and ro­man­tic per­son. I don’t like to keep se­crets or hide any­thing. I’m open and I love the whole world. I was raised in a hap­py fam­i­ly and I think I know how to be a good part­n­er. I don’t like to argue, I like to smile and to en­joy ev­ery day of my life. I try to see beau­ty in ev­ery­thing.

That’s why I love flow­ers very much. Long ago peo­ple con­sid­ered flow­ers to be some of the most beau­ti­ful thing on the plan­et. When I see flow­ers in bloom, I al­ways stop to ad­mire them. To my mind, all flow­ers are be­witch­ing and glo­ri­ous: ros­es, pe­onies, tulips, li­lacs, chrysan­the­mums, orchids. All girls love flow­ers. That is not a se­cret.

Any hob­by makes our life more colour­ful and it keeps us oc­cu­pied in our lei­sure time. My hob­by is floristry. I love to cre­ate beau­ti­ful bou­quets by my­self. I have at­tend­ed a mil­lion mas­ter-class­es and spent a lot of hours in flo­ral green­hous­es.

There is noth­ing like a beau­ti­ful bou­quet ar­range­ment to lift one’s spir­its. You can give flow­ers to any­one on al­most ev­ery oc­ca­sion be­cause ev­ery­one loves them. The most im­por­tant thing about flow­ers is that they speak vol­umes with­out say­ing a word.

What is your fa­vorite flow­er?


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