Oksana from Simferopol, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a beautiful woman Oksana from Simferopol, Ukraine. She is an active, kind, friendly woman with a good sense of humor. Oksana loves nature, travelling, nonfiction, movies, and sport. She’s looking for a good and serious man who is ready for a serious relationship. Would you like to know more about her? Read Oksana’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.


My name is Ok­sa­na! I am a pos­i­tive and open-mind­ed wo­m­an who has many friends and all of them know that I have sev­er­al in­ter­ests in my life! But for now, I want to tell about my biggest pas­sion!

I have a very unu­su­al hob­by - I love per­fumes! I know ev­ery­thing about good essences, their smells and con­stituents! I know how vanil­la notes are re­leased on a wo­m­an's body and I know that the fa­mous "Molecule" per­fume works dif­fer­ent­ly on ev­ery wo­m­an! By the way, my friends al­ways ask me to help them to choose a suit­able per­fume for them.

A few years ago I be­gan to work in a per­fume store where I learnt a great deal about scents. Since then, per­fumery has be­come my biggest hob­by!

At home, I have a big col­lec­tion of per­fumes and use dif­fer­ent ones for dif­fer­ent si­t­u­a­tions!

As you might have no­ticed, I can talk a lot about this with great plea­sure.

Write to me if you are in­ter­est­ed and I will tell you more about me and my other hob­bies!


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