Oksana from Mariupol, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is happy to introduce a wonderful lady Oksana from Mariupol, Ukraine. Oksana is a loving and caring woman who values traditions, morality and sincerity. Intrigued? Read Oksana’s story and enjoy viewing her amazing pictures.

Hi my Dear,

I of­ten hear that when a wo­m­an reach­es the age of 30, she is rapid­ly mov­ing to­wards the de­c­line of her youth but this de­scrip­tion does not ap­p­ly to me. My soul is still young and full of en­thu­si­asm. My friends say that I am life it­self and this is true be­cause I live and en­joy life in all its forms. I don’t count min­utes and years.

It seems to me that time in­e­vitab­ly moves on and there is no point in try­ing to keep up with it.

It is im­por­tant to re­joice that you wake up and breathe, walk, talk and look around you. Do you agree? I am a lov­ing and car­ing wo­m­an who val­ues tra­di­tions, mo­ral­i­ty and sin­cer­i­ty. I dream of wak­ing up and look­ing in­to the eyes of some­one next to me who loves me.

I can make my part­n­er hap­py. That is not an emp­ty promise, it's a fact. I am sure that ev­ery­thing my fu­ture part­n­er is hop­ing to find in a per­son, I am the one.

What is your wish? I’m here to make my dreams come true. Maybe we have a dream in com­mon... What do you think?


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