Nadejda from Barcelona, Spain

This week is glad to introduce a charming lady Nadejda from Barcelona, Spain. Nadejda is a gentle and caring lady who is interested in nature, psychology and arts. She is looking for a courageous man with kindness and warmth in his heart. Would you like to know more about her? Read Nadejda’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hel­lo dar­ling,

Do you have a por­trait? If not, then I can draw one for you, will you pose for me?? You will al­ready have guessed that I am an artist??) How do you feel about paint­ing?

I am fond of paints and paint­ing but like all peo­ple who are as­so­ci­at­ed with art, they have their own quirks and of course I have my own too))

I re­al­ly like to start the morn­ing with a draw­ing. I wake up, put on a robe, make my­self a fra­grant cof­fee and go to the bal­cony to cre­ate. This is my corn­er of the world. Imagine if you were my neigh­bor and watched me?))

What thoughts would you come up with?)) Would you like me to be your mys­te­ri­ous neigh­bor?))

Do you want me to draw you?) Then I'm wait­ing)) You can be­come my muse and in­spire me to pro­duce the most beau­ti­ful work.


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