Maria from Mariupol, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a stunning lady Maria from Mariupol, Ukraine. Maria is a charming lady, who loves sport, reading psychological books and traveling. She is looking for a strong, intelligent, successful, determined and understanding man. Would you like to know more about her? Read Maria’s story and enjoy her mesmerizing photos.

Hi dear!

My soul re­joic­es in au­tumn. I feel its mag­i­cal mys­tery in the air al­ready. Na­ture is ready to change sea­sons again. I want to in­hale the crisp au­tum­nal air and see the falling leaves. I love the bright col­ors of the trees and the sun that peeks through the clouds. This sea­son is as­so­ci­at­ed with love for me. What about you? This is the sto­ry of a per­son who hope­less­ly be­lieves in a re­al feel­ing that can make two lone­ly hearts hap­py.

It seems to me that this sea­son could give us a lot of pos­i­tive emo­tions. All we need is to be to­gether. What do you say?

At least we could try to break the walls of lone­li­ness and give each other the hap­pi­ness of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. I am a ro­man­tic lady with a deep in­n­er world. My soul is a gar­den and I am look­ing for a lov­ing gar­den­er. Maybe it is you? I’ll be wait­ing for your re­p­ly.


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