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Unsere Referenzen

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Robin, the Netherlands

Thank you! I’d ordered English lessons for my girlfriend through your Gift service and she has just finished it! We are going to order a phone call and Nastya promises that she’ll try to talk without the interpreter. I am totally excited!


Andrew and Lili

An­drew and Lili fell in love on our site and now they are liv­ing hap­pi­ly to­gether in Lon­don.

An­drew is a sin­gle hard work­ing man from Lon­don with a big fam­i­ly of four kids and six grandchil­dren. He is a very in­de­pen­dent and kind lov­ing man. Af­ter his di­vorce six years ago, he be­gan to…


Juliya and Ramiz

This is the sto­ry of our pure love. I have to tell you that I am the hap­pi­est per­son alive. This was one of the best things I have ev­er done in my life.

First of all I want to say that I be­lieve in destiny. I got a let­ter and it was from him, the man of my sweet­est dreams. I looked at his pho­tos…


Tommy and Jiali

Tom­my and Jiali had a great date in Chi­na and soon they will have a fan­tas­tic wed­d­ing and a long and hap­py mar­ri­age.

Tom­my is from Aus­tralia and a sin­gle fa­ther of three sons who had been sin­gle for many years. He thought he might be alone for even longer un­til one day he joined our site and saw Jiali…


Roy, England

Let me be honest; I’m in my 50s, have had more jobs than I care to remember and gave up on love a good number of years ago! I thought I had everything I needed right here next to the River Thames! But I was missing the love of a great woman.
I’d done dating websites for years but grown fed up of time wasters. This website changed all that. To be able…


Natalia and Eulogius

I liked him from the first mo­ment when all I could see was his pho­to here. I had been alone for years and our meet­ing was a great chance to change ev­ery­thing in my life! I want­ed to find some­body who would sup­port and un­der­s­tand me.

We spent a long time chatt­ing here be­fore we ac­tu­al­ly met. While I…


John and Xiujuan

John and Xi­u­juan met on our site and now they are plan­n­ing their wed­d­ing.

John has been lone­ly for a long time in NYC, USA. He had a big fam­i­ly with two grown-up kids. He had visit­ed Chi­na when he was quite young and ev­er since then had liked the coun­try and now he dreamed of meet­ing a beau­ti…


Xavier, France

I’ve tried a lot of dating websites and I’ve met a lot of women and frankly speaking Slavic women are the last ones standing apart from excessive emancipation. I wanted to meet a humble tender lady to be my best half, loving wife and a future caring mother, someone to put her man and her family above everything. That’s what Anna eagerly did three months ago when she came to Marseille to…


Lera and Alan

I met the man who has made me hap­py here! And I want to tell you our love sto­ry!

At first I just looked at his pho­tos and dreamed about our first re­al date. Then I saw he was avai­l­able to chat to so I wrote to him just say­ing “Hel­lo, su­gar". I re­mem­ber that day so well. I am re­al­ly glad…


Rolly and Shan

This is Rol­ly from the USA. He had been on our dat­ing site for some time where he had met a few ladies. He had of­ten been to Chi­na to meet ladies and each time he visit­ed, he had a very good feel­ing about Chi­na and the peo­ple here. This con­vinced him to find a Chi­nese lady to be his part­n­er.

He said…


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