I want real love and relationships ...

Svetlana from Zaporozhye, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is happy to introduce a gorgeous lady Svetlana from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Svetlana is a calm and optimistic lady who likes playing guitar! Want to find out more? Read Svetlana’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.

Hi, dear!

Love is a won­der­ful thing. When you have but­ter­flies there in your sto­m­ach, you al­most feel like you could fly too. How­ev­er, there are times when love can teach you a hard les­son.

My pre­vi­ous re­la­tion­ship be­gan bright­ly but, as soon as we be­gan liv­ing to­gether, that was when the night­mare start­ed. He criti­cized my ac­tions, ap­pear­ance, friends, work.

He didn’t ap­pre­ci­ate my clean­ing, cook­ing, buy­ing food. He ridiculed my be­liefs, de­sires and tastes. Un­der pres­sure, I for­gave such cru­el treat­ment, al­ways giv­ing him another “last chance” and cont­in­ued to be­lieve his emp­ty promis­es that were nev­er ful­filled.

Luck­i­ly I even­tu­al­ly reached boil­ing point and I end­ed this tox­ic re­la­tion­ship be­cause I felt I de­served to give my love and true feel­ings to a genuine soul­mate who would give th­ese to me in re­turn and nev­er try to hurt my feel­ings.

So, I’m feel­ing op­ti­mis­tic, my heart is free and I am sin­gle, but I sin­cere­ly hope that this will change soon. Are you the one who could help me to do that?

Tru­ly, Sve­ta.

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