Valeria from Mariupol, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a passionate woman Valeria from Mariupol, Ukraine. Valeria is a loving, peaceful, friendly, positive, humorous, and creative person who has many interests. She is involved in the arts and loves listening to music, watching films, and doing sports. Valeria is looking for a romantic, caring, kind man who is ready for relationships and for a family life. Would you like to know more about her? Read Valeria’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.

Hel­lo there!

My name is Va­le­ria and my sto­ry is pret­ty sim­ple. You might be won­der­ing why I say that, it’s be­cause I love sim­ple and un­com­pli­cat­ed things. That is why my life is filled with just such sim­ple prin­ci­ples and as­pi­ra­tions - to be sin­cere and to fol­low my dreams.

I can do sev­er­al things at the same time. Per­haps this is the fate of cre­a­tive peo­ple.

I am a pho­to­g­ra­pher and this is my re­al pas­sion. Since my work in­volves cre­a­tiv­i­ty, speed, orig­i­nal­i­ty - I al­ways try to learn some­thing new. I be­lieve in love, and this be­lief saves me from any neg­a­tive thoughts and feel­ings. I try to think pos­i­tive­ly no mat­ter what.

I look for in­spi­ra­tion in peo­ple around me. Hon­est­ly speak­ing, I sin­cere­ly be­lieve that it is fam­i­ly that can be­come a re­al sup­port and a source of in­ex­hausti­ble in­spi­ra­tion for me. That is why I am here. I have start­ed to look for a good and re­li­able man on this site in or­der to find hap­pi­ness and cre­ate a re­al fam­i­ly. If you are ready to take this jour­ney with me – just let me know.


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