Ilona from Poltava, Ukraine

This week we are glad to introduce a charming lady Ilona from Poltava, Ukraine. Ilona loves to help and support others, which means that the heart of this lady is open and very kind. If you’re interested in knowing more about this beautiful lady, please read her letter and enjoy viewing her photos!

Hi my Dear,

I am a hard­work­ing, en­er­get­ic, smart, well ed­u­cat­ed girl. I am calm, bal­anced and at the same time cheer­ful, and able to find a com­mon lan­guage with ev­ery­one. I try to leave the con­flict calm­ly and peace­ful­ly. I am a psy­chol­o­gist – psy­chother­a­py is my work and hob­by. I help to ev­ery­one who needs my help, I'm willing to ad­vise, be­cause I find it very in­ter­est­ing and al­so this is my fa­vorite thing that brings me in­come. The on­ly time when I'm busy is when I'm work­ing. I work in the clin­ic or can take my work home. I am very re­spon­si­ble and se­ri­ous at work and I try to do it all with pas­sion and de­sire. Al­so I have a lot of busi­ness and life ex­pe­ri­ence.

I like ro­man­tic walks along the beach and look­ing at the stars. They are so amaz­ing and mys­te­ri­ous! I adore com­mu­ni­cat­ing with dif­fer­ent peo­ple and gett­ing to know them and gett­ing to know ev­ery­thing new in gen­er­al. And of course I like the sum­mer time very much.

There are so many things to do at that time so I like go­ing to the beach to get a good and beau­ti­ful sun tan swim­ming in the warm sea…

In gen­er­al I adore this life and I al­ways stay pos­i­tive!!! I am a very ro­man­tic wo­m­an! I want to love and to be loved! So, on this site I want to meet a man who will be a lover, friend and hus­band for me! I want him to be a gener­ous, smart, en­er­get­ic, at­ten­tive, ro­man­tic, wise, and hon­est man! I want to make his life bet­ter and brighter!

Maybe, you are my per­fect man?


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