Darina from Kiev, Ukraine

This week we are glad to introduce you an incredible young lady Darina from Kiev, Ukraine. Darina loves travelling and meeting new people. Her heart is free now and the lady dreams of true love! Would you like to know more? Read Darina’s message to you and enjoy viewing her wonderful photos.

Hi dear Friend,

Each per­son con­sid­ers them­self spe­cial and I am not an ex­cep­tion. I want to tell you that you will be bet­ter able to rec­og­nize me and my tastes on­ly af­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tion. I am a mod­ern girl who be­lieves in love at first sight and sin­cere feel­ings be­tween a man and a wo­m­an. I love ro­mance and ap­pre­ci­ate the sin­cere ac­tions of a man. I al­ways be­lieved that in the life of ev­ery girl there should be such a tale and love. I be­lieve that one day I will meet the love of my life and it will be a unique feel­ing that could nev­er be re­peat­ed. It sounds like a fairy tale, but it can hap­pen. I want to know what love means to you, how you see it. I can say that I am very so­ci­a­ble and open to com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

In ap­pear­ance, I can not judge any­one, and I ex­pect the same from you. I can sup­port con­ver­sa­tions on the top­ics you are in­ter­est­ed in. I al­so like trav­elling very much, look­ing at the ar­chi­tec­ture of a new ci­ty or coun­try, there are very beau­ti­ful places on our plan­et and they should be looked at. I have had a dream since child­hood - go on a round-the-world trip.

For a good mood I like to read good books and lis­ten to mu­sic, it is very in­spir­ing. For me, the best mo­ti­va­tion is peo­ple who have suc­ceed­ed in some kind of busi­ness and they have be­come suc­cess­ful, they are very in­tel­li­gent peo­ple who can in­spire and give the op­por­tu­ni­ty to gain strength from them.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion with such peo­ple al­ways brings plea­sure, you want to talk and talk with them.

We live in a mod­ern world where many rules have changed, hu­man prin­ci­ples are chang­ing and we need to keep track of what is hap­pen­ing and cor­re­spond to the changes. Or stand out from the crowd. It all de­pends on you.



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