Natalia de Zaporozhye, Ukraine

This week we are glad to introduce a gorgeous lady Natalia from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. The life of this lady is full of bright events, emotions and impressions. Natalia never gets bored and always enjoys every single moment of her life! Would you like to know more about this amazing lady? You’re welcome to read Natalia’s letter and admire her nice pictures.

Hi Dear!

They say that life is about op­por­tu­ni­ties and chances and I could not agree more! There are two types of peo­ple – those who find pre­texts and ex­cus­es and those who find op­por­tu­ni­ties and en­joy ev­ery sin­gle mo­ment they have. Per­so­n­al­ly I be­long to the se­cond type and I am hap­py to say that : )

I once heard the say­ing that “the best time is now”. I know for sure that it's true as I am a busi­ness­wo­m­an. I cre­ate beau­ty with my own hands, I work for my­self and I like be­ing my own boss.
Yet, my ca­reer is not the on­ly thing I am in­ter­est­ed in my life. my daugh­ter is my best friend, we are close and we like go­ing to the gym to­gether.

I en­joy a healthy way of life, so work­ing out at the gym is the best way to keep fit and stay in shape. I al­so like go­ing to the swim­ming pool and rid­ing my bike. it is such a mar­velous feel­ing to ex­pe­ri­ence the wind on your face, breath­ing fresh air and watch­ing the won­der­ful scen­ery pass by when you are in the coun­try­side.

Another hob­by I have got is snow­board­ing. I love go­ing to the Car­pathian Moun­tains in the win­ter sea­son and feel such a pow­er­ful lev­el of adre­nalin in my veins. my fa­vorite lo­ca­tion is Bukov­el – the land­s­capes are so pic­turesque and dream-like there. I go there al­most ev­ery year, which gives me a lot of in­spi­ra­tion and en­thu­si­asm – it stays with me for many months.

Apart from the Bukov­el, I like trav­elling abroad. I visit­ed Turkey and Egypt, and now I am plan­n­ing to vis­it Por­tu­gal. I en­joy tak­ing a lot of pic­tures dur­ing my trips and I sin­cere­ly hope that I will find a man who will com­plete me as my se­cond half. a man with whom I will en­joy many trips to­gether with and cre­ate other un­for­gettable mo­ments. I am tired of be­ing strong and in­de­pen­dent. as ev­ery lady dreams, I want my strong knight in shin­ing ar­mor to come and take care of me.

sin­cere­ly and warm­ly,

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