Anna from Mariupol, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a stunning lady Anna from Mariupol, Ukraine. Anna is a loving, caring, and tender lady who likes billiards, cars and traveling. She is looking for a loving and caring man who is ready to receive her love. Would you like to know more about her? Read Anna’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hel­lo dear,

If you are look­ing for a ro­man­tic wo­m­an with a great sense of hu­mor, here I am. I am just an or­d­i­nary girl look­ing for love but I am sure that in or­der to find that true jew­el, you need to stum­ble up­on other stones more than once. Life is full of mir­a­cles, and I tru­ly be­lieve in this.

I used to be per­sis­tent and al­ways try to reach my goals and there­fore my life has been full of events and chal­lenges.

I have been look­ing for love tire­less­ly and I be­lieve that I will find the one who will love and pro­tect me. I don't need a prince, but I do need a soul­mate. Maybe this is you? I am an en­er­get­ic, pos­i­tive and bright per­son. If you need to bring bright col­ors in­to your life – hur­ry up and con­tact me! I’m still lone­ly!


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