My heart is the answer to your questions, honey! Come with me...

Inna from Kharkov, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce an amazing lady Inna from Kharkov, Ukraine. Inna is a very active and beautiful lady, who loves travelling and diving! Would you like to know more? Read Inna’s story and enjoy her fantastic photos.

Hi my Dear,

I’m al­ways hap­py to open the door and share my world.

I en­joy be­ing ac­tive and don’t like to stay in the same place, do­ing the same things. I like trav­elling and have visit­ed lots of coun­tries. I be­lieve that it is bet­ter to col­lect emo­tions and me­m­ories rather than ma­te­rial things. I am an open friend­ly lady and al­ways hap­py to make new ac­quain­tances.

One of my hob­bies is div­ing. It is my fa­vorite pas­time. I like to ex­plore the world, both on the sur­face and un­der the sea and I firm­ly be­lieve we should help to save our na­t­u­ral world.

I dream about hav­ing a long and strong re­la­tion­ship. I be­lieve in love and that we can meet our beloved per­son once and for all time. Are you my beloved man?


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