Elena from Nikopol, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce an elegant lady Elena from Nikopol, Ukraine. Elena is a romantic lady who likes dancing and practicing yoga! Want to find out more? Read Elena’s story and enjoy her delightful photos.


My name is Ele­na. I am 59 years old.

I have many hob­bies, but to­day I want to talk about just one of th­ese, crochet and knitt­ing which is my favou­rite. I like to knit cloth­es and beau­ti­ful ac­ces­sories for the house. I like that knitt­ing is very calm­ing and that the beau­ti­ful spe­cial things you cre­ate bring great plea­sure

Th­ese gor­geous things have been cre­at­ed with your own hands, they are unique, they can­not be re­peat­ed by mass pro­duc­tion and you are the on­ly one that owns them. Mono­tone work de­vel­ops pa­tience so, thanks to knitt­ing, I'm al­ways calm and bal­anced. I'm al­so de­vel­op­ing and gain­ing in­n­er strength. Knitt­ing is an in­spi­ra­tion!

I am fas­ci­nat­ed by the beau­ti­ful com­bi­na­tions and in­ter­weav­ing of col­ors – it’s colour ther­a­py for me! Knitt­ing for me is an op­por­tu­ni­ty to bring good and beau­ti­ful things in­to the world.

I like to give plea­sure to my fam­i­ly and my girl­friends with new ex­clu­sive and sexy dress­es and blous­es.

A wo­m­an at any age should look at­trac­tive and sexy. Some of them you can see in the pho­tos in my pro­file.


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