Olga uit Nikolaev, Ukraine

This week we are glad to introduce a nice young lady Olga from Nikolaev, Ukraine. Olga is a positive person, she likes to spend her free time in the open air and discover new interesting places. Would you like to know more? Here are Olga’s letter and her beautiful photos for you.

Hi Sweet­heart,

Hi, I love to out for a walk when the sun is shin­ing! I walk in all sorts of dif­fer­ent places, but most of all I like to walk along the riv­er bank, on the em­bank­ment, in the park and in the for­est.

I cap­tured one of my walks with pho­tos be­cause it was so very bright, sun­ny and cheer­ful! It was a walk along the wa­ter­front!

At the be­gin­n­ing of the em­bank­ment there are lots of flow­er beds with yel­low flow­ers which were so bright and beau­ti­ful that I want­ed to take a clos­er look!

I love na­ture and be­ing out­side in the fresh air, sitt­ing for a while on the bench to look around, giv­ing my brain a rest from work, or think­ing about some­thing im­por­tant on my own. Some­times I take a book to read! And on this walk I took a lit­tle bread and fed the pi­geons!

When I de­cid­ed to walk fur­ther along the em­bank­ment a lit­tle I was sur­prised to find a small foun­tain which struck me as very in­ter­est­ing - it was a li­on with a trick­le of wa­ter spout­ing from its mouth! It turns out that this was drink­ing wa­ter!

A lit­tle fur­ther along, I came across some para­pets from where there were very beau­ti­ful views of the In­gul Riv­er and the ci­ty.

When I de­cid­ed to go home, I passed by the fa­mous columns of brides. In the near fu­ture, when we have found each other on this site, I will al­so stand in a white wed­d­ing dress among the white columns! I will be the most beau­ti­ful bride!


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