Zaporozhye, Ukraineから来たAnastasiya

This week is glad to introduce a marvelous lady Anastasiya from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Anastasiya is a lady with a huge loving heart. She lived in China for 5 years and can speak Chinese. Anastasiya is looking for a man who is kind and supportive and has a big heart and understanding mind! Would you like to know more about her? Read Anastasiya’s story and enjoy her beautiful photos.

Hi Dar­ling!

Do you like ex­oti­cism? Per­so­n­al­ly, I Do. Just imagine be­ing some­where in fab­u­lous Thai­land or im­prob­a­ble Bali! I am wear­ing a biki­ni and hold­ing such a jui­cy pa­paya or pas­sion fruit. you are pour­ing us some tas­ty mo­ji­tos and then we go swim­ming in the ocean.

I have seen many cul­tures and dif­fer­ent peo­ple but I know there is one uni­ver­sal thing that unites them. It is the na­t­u­ral hu­man de­sire to love and be loved!

Any­way, al­though I en­joy ex­oti­cism in my trav­els, I am conser­va­tive when It comes to re­la­tion­ships.

I want my fu­ture re­la­tion­ship to be tra­di­tio­n­al and hap­py!

It may sound fun­ny, but this is how I would de­scribe the man of my dreams - a per­son who doesn’t smell like durian if you know what I mean ;)

I want my man to be as ripe as a litchi, as fun­ny as a pineap­ple and as hot as a Pi­na Co­la­da. and to­gether we could en­joy won­der­ful “Sex on the beach”, and it de­pends on you whether I mean the cock­tail or some­thing else.

Sin­cere­ly, Anas­ta­sia.


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