Happy Match

Our Testimonials

Please contact customer support if you would like to leave a testimonial about our services.

Kishore and Qiao

Qiao and Kishore met each other on the dat­ing site and, since the very be­gin­n­ing, they wrote to each other ev­ery day. Kishore re­mained faith­ful to Qiao and he told us that, in all the time they were com­mu­ni­cat­ing with each other, he did not re­p­ly to any other lady on the dat­ing site. They wrote and chatt­ed with each other at a fixed time ev­ery day and…

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Frans and Anahit

I am Anahit and I would like to share with you my love sto­ry with Frans.

I reg­is­tered with this agen­cy be­cause I thought that it would be a good way to meet peo­ple, to meet the per­son I would love for the rest of my life. Ac­tu­al­ly it turned out to be the right de­ci­sion to join the site be­cause other­wise I wouldn’t have met my…

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Franz, Switzerland

I never thought I would be engaged to the lady of my dreams but it’s true! I feel I can be myself around her, we have similar hobbies and even laugh at the same jokes! I can’t wish a better wife! I am looking forward to the day when we say “I do”! Thanks!

Peter, the USA, California

Russian women have always been a fantasy for me. I live in a country where the women are independent and busy, and Russian women are so different and wonderful. They have good manners and are very open to many ways of looking at the world. I have been alone for many years, and I met on the site two beautiful and polite women that want to see me. I was on the…

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Ulf and Lusy

The world was trans­formed for­ev­er for me when I met my love­ly Ulf. It is such a won­der­ful feel­ing when one starts think­ing about and feel­ing things in a dif­fer­ent way, how I look at ev­ery­thing pos­i­tive­ly, how I love it when he smiles, how I al­ways think about him and feel so very hap­py. I ex­pe­ri­enced all th­ese af­ter I met Ulf. He has to­tal­ly changed my life…

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Ivan, Poland

It’s not easy for me to express the gratitude to your service. It’s just amazing how convenient and easy it is to communicate with ladies here. I haven’t met my only one yet, but every day I enjoy meeting new beauties. I am pretty sure that I am on my way to happiness and I believe that my dream will come true very soon!

Robert and Gui

Gui is 62 and comes from Heng Yang in the Hu Nan province of China. She has very long black hair and you can tell from her photo that she is very open minded and very good at keeping in touch with her friends.

Robert and Gui got to know each other through the dating website. Robert was first attracted by her long hair and then they started to…

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Matt, Omaha Nebraska USA

If you’re like me, you’ve given up on all the traditional ways to meet a lady.  I decided to try the dating service at www.behappy2day.com because my friend Woody tried it and met a very amazing girl.  She is sweet and young and very pretty, and so I wondered how this could possibly be.  I signed up and pretty soon I was chatting with a long list of beautiful ladies who were interested.  After…

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Derrick and Darya

I came to this site to find the man of my dreams who might be­come my fu­ture hus­band. I met Der­rick, who is 62 years and lives in the USA where he is a pro­fes­sor at an in­sti­tute. We start­ed chatt­ing and, af­ter just 30 min­utes, we re­al­ized that we were in­ter­est­ed in each other and that we want­ed to meet in re­al life.

Der­rick said he could come to me in Kharkov but I did not re­al­ly be­lieve that he was ready to do that. I nev­er be­lieve just in words, ac­tions mean much more to me. So we cor­re­spond­ed by let­ter and we learned to get to know each other bet­ter. Then the day came when he flew to the Ukraine. I was glad and sur­prised that I was fi­nal­ly meet­ing the man who had kept his promise and come to vis­it me…

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Sven, New Zealand

I’m not sure if you guys know how great this site is, but it has been a godsend for me. I have terrible anxiety and so bars and other dating places are absolutely useless to me. I sit there nursing a drink and feeling terrible about myself. But this website is so easy. The ladies are always supportive and respectful. I never thought there would be a way around my problem, but…

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