Happy Match

Our Testimonials

Please contact customer support if you would like to leave a testimonial about our services.

George and Lihua

Ge­orge and Li­hua met in an in­ter­est­ing and ro­man­tic way.

Ge­orge, a Ca­na­dian elec­tri­cal en­gi­neer, was a se­ri­ous man. He didn't come here to this site with any great ex­pec­ta­tions but his Chi­nese friends en­cour­aged him to try it.

One day, about two months af­ter he had signed up to the site, he came across Li­hua, who was a year old­er than him. He said ‘Hi’…

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Alan and Elena

A love sto­ry with a for­eign­er… First dates are nev­er easy but a first date with a man from another coun­try is so much hard­er! It usu­al­ly in­volves mo­ments of awk­ward si­lence, the fear of hav­ing food stuck be­tween your teeth, won­der­ing if he’s no­ticed your ner­vous­ness or your new dress, think­ing you might have said some­thing re­al­ly stupid...

I’m sure you un­der­s­tand ex­act­ly what I mean! But not this time! The first date with Alan was just per­fect! Through­out our date he showed me the things there are to love about him - his pas­sion, his heart and his hu­mor.

He spent two weeks in my na­tive town. We spent to­gether ev­ery day!! We visit­ed a lot of places here... He showed me that he was not very good at sing­ing at all but was a re­al­ly great dancer! Ha-ha-ha...

No one has ev­er brought so much hap­pi­ness to my life but Alan. When I’m with him…

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Nick, the USA

This is one fun site! You get to see all these gorgeous women all in a row – and in their profiles they give you all the details that you need to know to make a choice about which one you want to chat to. I like the fact that you can search really easy with the things that are important to you – this makes it so much quicker and easier to filter…

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Ben and Jian Ying

Jian Ying and Ben met each other on the dat­ing site.

Jian Ying is 47 years old, very nice and friend­ly and she is a teach­er from Chang­sha. She has known Ben ev­er since she joined the dat­ing site and at first it was dif­fi­cult to com­mu­ni­cate un­til Ben start­ed to teach Jian Ying En­glish. Then they were in con­tact all the time, writ­ing to each other and chatt­ing to each other via video or on the phone.

Jian Ying told us that Ben was a very good En­glish teach­er and, even be­fore they met in re­al life, they were able to com­mu­ni­cate with each other re­al­ly well.

Ben told us that when he first saw Jian Ying on the web­site…

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Moritz, Germany

Finally, after a difficult divorce, I’ve decided to start a new relationship. Among thousands of profiles on your website, I found a really pretty lady. Her name is Anastasia and she’s very beautiful and funny. We always have something to talk about and to laugh at. I think she is my real soul mate, my true love, my heart. Thank you so much!!!

Adriano and Ekaterina

Hi, my name is Eka­te­ri­na. I want to share with you my pos­i­tive ex­pe­ri­ence on this site! I am very glad that I reg­is­tered be­cause I be­lieve that we should use ev­ery chance to find hap­pi­ness. I al­so be­lieve in destiny and true love. I be­gan com­mu­ni­cat­ing with Adriano, who is from Ita­ly, sev­er­al months ago and we soon felt that we had a lot in com­mon.…

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Daniel, Canada

Hello, I am a member of Behappy2day. I love this site! It's so awesome!!!
My lovely young lady Irina and I are planning to visit each other and are very excited about this. This would not be possible if it were not for your wonderful site! Thank you… For everything!!!

Gary, United Kingdom

Giving me the opportunity to meet and chat with Cristina has been amazing. She is such a beautiful woman! The chance to send letters to her and then experience live video chat made it so easy to get to know her. She was funny and outgoing – and that might have been harder for her to be if we met face-to-face first of all – she is quite shy, and she was…

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Babbken and Naira

Hel­lo Ev­ery­one!

I’m Bab­bken and this is my love­ly wife Nai­ra! I would like to share our love sto­ry with you and al­so say to thank you to this agen­cy for help­ing me to meet the true love of my life.

Our re­la­tion­ship in fact be­gan long be­fore we met when we were just writ­ing let­ters to get to know each other. I can’t ex­plain the feel­ing…

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Henrik, Norway

I’ve never thought that online dating can lead to serious relationships. To tell the truth, our chatting with Diana started just for fun as well. But soon I realized that we have so much in common, though she lived halfway around the world. And can you believe it? Soon we are getting married! So, thanks a lot to this website for my wife!

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