Our Happy Matches

An­ge­li­ka found love on­line with Has­san from the UAE. De­spite her ini­tial fears, she took a chance and trav­eled to meet him. Their time to­gether was mag­i­cal, and now she's dee­p­ly in love.

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Yuliya's life changed when she met Va­syl on­line. Af­ter chatt­ing and meet­ing in Ukraine, they now live to­gether in Chan­dler, Ari­zo­na, turn­ing her dreams in­to re­al­i­ty.

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Anas­ta­sia found love on­line with Ra­fal from Po­land. De­spite ups and downs, they met, spent a per­fect month to­gether, and now plan to mar­ry next sum­mer. Their sto­ry shows that love knows no boun­daries.

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An­na found Cleve's pro­file, charmed by his smile. Af­ter months of talk­ing, their friend­ship deep­ened, lead­ing to a first date in Kiev. Now, they're excit­ed to see where life takes them, filled with hap­pi­ness and an­ti­ci­pa­tion.

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Anas­ta­sia joined a dat­ing site, hop­ing to find love. Lit­tle did she know that Lu­cas from Po­land would be­come her true love. De­spite lan­guage bar­ri­ers, they now hap­pi­ly live to­gether in War­saw.

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When Svet­la­na de­cid­ed to give on­line dat­ing a chance, she nev­er imagined it would lead her to Ra­fael. Now, liv­ing in Is­rael with their beloved cat Lucky, they're proof that some­times, the great­est love sto­ries be­gin on­line.

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Ju­lia found more than she hoped for on this site. Sur­prised by the many in­ter­est­ing men, one cap­tured her heart - Ahmed from Ger­many. Their in­s­tant con­nec­tion and meet­ings in Ber­lin con­firmed their at­trac­tion, filling Ju­lia's lone­ly heart with joy.

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Eu­geniya and Ma­teusz met on­line. Their days start­ed with sweet mes­sages, dream­ing of re­al-life hugs. Af­ter lots of talks, the ner­vous first meet­ing hap­pened. Now, as a fam­i­ly with a lit­tle son, ev­ery day is hap­pi­ly ev­er af­ter.

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When Ta­tia­na's friend signed her up to this site, she treat­ed it as a bit of a joke but then she met Zdenek and be­fore she knew it, they were on a re­al date in Pra­ha and their ro­mance blos­somed.

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What bet­ter gift could there ev­er be at Christ­mas than to be­come en­gaged to the true love you found on­line and know that the New year will bring even more hap­pi­ness.

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When Ale­na joined this web­site, she was just look­ing to kill time and chat to a few men but then she met Mark on­line and now their hearts and lives will be in­ter­twined for­ev­er.

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Va­lenti­na knows she is lucky to have found ex­act­ly the kind of man she had dreamed of and al­so lucky that she al­ways be­lieved that true love could be found. Within just a few hours of their first date, she knew that her love sto­ry with Pierre had be­gun.

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