Our Happy Matches

Even though Svet­la­na is new to the site and not sure what to ex­pect, she is so pleased that she agreed to go on a date with Ed­gar be­cause they had the most won­der­ful even­ing to­gether and now she feels re­al hope for the fu­ture.

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Maria doubt­ed that she would find her true love in the vir­tu­al word un­til she met Ike­li, her per­fect match. Now she hopes ev­ery­one will cont­in­ue to search for their own Mr. Right and nev­er lose hope.

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From the very first sight on­line, Zla­ta knew she had found her Mr. Right and when they met, they both knew they had found their destiny.

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Iri­na al­ways had a feel­ing that the man of her dreams lived far away and she was right but now they have found each other, their love sto­ry can be­gin.

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When An­na reg­is­tered with the dat­ing site, she hoped to find her true love and that is ex­act­ly what hap­pened when she met James on­line and now they are liv­ing a fairy tale with a very hap­py end­ing.

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Af­ter years of un­suc­cess­ful at­tempts to find true love, Yuliya now knows it was worth the wait for Jere­my to come in­to her life and make her hap­pi­er than she ev­er be­lieved pos­si­ble.

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Af­ter just three days, Vic­to­ria and Mar­co knew they were just made for each other so when Vic­to­ria trav­elled to Ita­ly to be with him, she knew she was in safe hands and now they are liv­ing hap­pi­ly ev­er af­ter!

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Lit­tle did Ali­na and Talor know when they first met on­line that soon they would have the most won­der­ful wed­d­ing and be hap­pi­er to­gether than they had ev­er been apart.

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Through their com­put­er screens, Kary­na and David felt an in­s­tant at­trac­tion and when they fi­nal­ly met, they knew that con­nec­tion was re­al and all that they could have hoped for.

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Al­though they had been dat­ing on­line for a while, it was on­ly when they met in per­son that Ta­tia­na and Phil­lip re­al­ized they had found their part­n­er for life and now they can’t be­lieve how in­cred­i­b­ly hap­py they are to­gether.

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Svet­la­na and Pierre learned so much about each other from their cor­re­spon­dence, they knew they had each found their soul mate even be­fore they met.

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Af­ter An­na joined the web­site, she could not be­lieve how quick­ly she met the man of her dreams be­cause af­ter just a few let­ters, she and Ben met up in a cozy Italian res­tau­rant and start­ed to get to know each other much bet­ter.

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