Our Happy Matches

Svet­la­na and Pierre learned so much about each other from their cor­re­spon­dence, they knew they had each found their soul mate even be­fore they met.

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Af­ter An­na joined the web­site, she could not be­lieve how quick­ly she met the man of her dreams be­cause af­ter just a few let­ters, she and Ben met up in a cozy Italian res­tau­rant and start­ed to get to know each other much bet­ter.

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Ta­tia­na was just a sim­ple Ukrai­nian girl des­per­ate to find love and that’s what she found on­line when she met Daniel, her spe­cial man with a huge heart.

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Ele­na was not con­vinced that she would find a new part­n­er who she could trust very quick­ly on­line but soon af­ter reg­is­ter­ing, Steve came in­to her life and now they spend lots of time to­gether and make each other very hap­py.

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When Vi­ka and Gul­li de­cid­ed to meet in­stead of com­mu­ni­cat­ing by let­ter, af­ter spend­ing time to­gether they re­al­ized that it was the be­gin­n­ing of their very own love sto­ry.

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Even though her friends doubt­ed she would find love on a dat­ing web­site, Gali­na knew they were wrong and she proved it when she met Ken­neth, the love of her life.

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Iri­na had been so busy build­ing her ca­reer that she had­n’t re­al­ized how lone­ly she was but that soon changed when she tried dat­ing on­line and met Se­mi, the man she had al­ways been look­ing for.

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When Ol­ga de­cid­ed to try her luck with on­line dat­ing, she soon found her true love and now she and Alex have the most amaz­ing­ly per­fect re­la­tion­ship.

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Al­though Ali­na and Wal­ter had to wait a long time be­fore their long dis­tance re­la­tion­ship be­came re­al and they got to­gether prop­er­ly, they both know it was worth the wait.

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Na­taliya was­n’t ex­pect­ing to find love on­line but that was be­fore she met Cleve, the man of her dreams, and now they are build­ing a life to­gether for­ev­er.

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When Vic­toriya saw Jarek’s pho­tos on­line, she was so hyp­no­tized that she was afraid to con­tact him but that did­n’t mat­ter be­cause soon Jarek wrote to Vic­tor­tiya and now they are en­joy­ing a sum­mer full of love to­gether.

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Al­though Ali­na’s fam­i­ly did not be­lieve she would ev­er find love on­line, she and her soon to be hus­band have proved them wrong and are hap­pi­ly plan­n­ing their wed­d­ing!

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