Our Happy Matches

Al­though Ali­na’s fam­i­ly did not be­lieve she would ev­er find love on­line, she and her soon to be hus­band have proved them wrong and are hap­pi­ly plan­n­ing their wed­d­ing!

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Ok­sa­na al­ways knew she would meet some­one spe­cial but nev­er imagined she would find the love of her life in the first week af­ter reg­is­ter­ing on the site!

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Olesya's un­ex­pect­ed en­coun­ter with Ed­ward sparked a deep con­nec­tion. Grate­ful for his choice, she trea­sures their mo­ments to­gether, excit­ed for their fu­ture.

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Alexan­dra and Alex found out that not on­ly did they share the same name – they shared the same dreams of a fu­ture and a fam­i­ly to­gether and are now look­ing for­ward to a tra­di­tio­n­al wed­d­ing.

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Ka­te­ri­na had been look­ing for her true love for many years and is so glad she joined this site be­cause this is where she met her hus­band. And even bet­ter, they now have a son to share their lives with.

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When Eu­geniya and Ma­teusz fi­nal­ly met for the first time, it just con­firmed what they al­ready knew – they were meant to be to­gether for­ev­er.

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Da­ri­na al­ways dreamed of find­ing the love of her life in another coun­try so she is so hap­py she met Noah and is now look­ing for­ward to liv­ing with him in the beau­ti­ful coun­try of Moroc­co.

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Dia­na and Tepe are so glad that on­line dat­ing ex­ists be­cause as soon as they found each other here, they knew they had no doubt at all that they be to­gether for­ev­er.

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Liv­ing alone, John missed some­one to hug, some­one who would show him af­fec­tion and un­der­s­tand­ing so when he met Jun­yi and they fell in love, his life was com­plete, he had found his trea­sure.

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Lili was a lone­ly wi­d­ow who was ready to find a man to share her fu­ture with who would al­so love her daugh­ter as his own. And she found ex­act­ly that in Michael, a doc­tor from Aus­tralia, who has cer­tain­ly cured her of lone­li­ness!

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Va­le­ria need not have been ner­vous when she fi­nal­ly met Char­lie af­ter they had com­mu­ni­cat­ed for sev­er­al months be­cause he turned out to be the man of her dreams!

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Aaron knew it was time to start a new life and it did­n’t take very long be­fore he met the wo­m­an of his dreams on this site and now he and Jingjing are dee­p­ly in love with each other.

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