Medellín, Colombiaから来たErika Tatiana

This week is glad to introduce an enchanting woman Erika Tatiana from Medellín, Colombia. Erika Tatiana is a cheerful person who likes shopping, doing yoga and taking care of her health. She is looking for a man with whom she will be able to build a happy future. Would you like to know more about her? Read Erika Tatiana’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.


My name is Eri­ka Ta­tia­na but my friends just call me Ta­tia­na.

I am a very cheer­ful lady who tries to be hap­py and to make others hap­py as well. I think life is beau­ti­ful and full of mir­a­cles. If you be­lieve in mir­a­cles, they will defi­nite­ly hap­pen to you.

My mot­to is “beau­ti­ful both in­side and out­side” so I al­ways take care of my­self, my health and the way I look. In my free time, I pre­fer watch­ing sports even though I am not very good at them.

I am do­ing well with yo­ga. I could even be your teach­er if you would like to try it some­day. It is a per­fect way to keep healthy.

I want to find a man who I can love with all my heart and who will love me back. I want to have a hap­py and lov­ing life with my fu­ture man.

Eri­ka Ta­tia­na.


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