Svetlana from Poltava, Ukraine

This week we are glad to introduce a beautiful lady Svetlana from Poltava, Ukraine. Svetlana is in love with the sea and she is a passionate horse rider. Would you love to know more about her? You’re welcome to read Svetlana’s story and view her nice pictures.

Hel­lo Sweet­heart,

I am Svet­la­na and I’d like to tell some­thing about my­self.

The thing which al­ways used to make me dif­fer­ent from other wo­m­en was the love of beau­ty. I am an es­thete by na­ture. I know all peo­ple are dif­fer­ent, but I think I am spe­cial. In choos­ing my life pro­fes­sion I did not he­s­i­tate even for a while - I knew I need­ed some­thing which would dis­turb my con­s­cious­ness ev­ery time.

I al­ways loved two things - the sea and hors­es!

If I could choose on­ly one hob­by in my life - that would be watch­ing the sea. Yeah, it is not a hob­by ac­tu­al­ly, but some­times I can­not imagine my life with­out the sea. When I look at it, I feel some peace, and safe­ty in­side.

When I'm sad I eat at my par­ents' farm and en­joy talk­ing to hors­es!! They are the smartest, most no­ble and friendli­est an­i­mals in the world!!

I'm a won­der­ful rid­er! Maybe you will have a chance to see it!

I have nev­er met per­fect peo­ple in my life. Even the dear­est peo­ple are some­times not ide­al at all. But the rea­son we love others is be­cause we love them for who they are. I am a wo­m­an who will trust the one with the sin­cere smile. In most cas­es smile and eyes de­cide a lot - they show you the way to the per­son’s soul and then noth­ing mat­ters. If I look in­to your eyes and see in them the road which leads me to your heart - then I am defi­nite­ly for you. If you are the one who al­ways re­spects me as a wo­m­an and takes care of me as your biggest trea­sure - I will be yours for eter­ni­ty.

With love,


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