Take my hand... I will show you where happiness is...

Julia from Kharkov, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a charming lady Julia from Kharkov, Ukraine. Julia is a very positive and optimistic person, who adores sport, animals and summer! Intrigued? Read Julia’s story and enjoy viewing her stunning photos.

Hi my Dear,

My name is Ju­lia. I am a pos­i­tive lady who is al­ways smil­ing. I see on­ly the bright side of life and al­ways look at things op­ti­mis­ti­cal­ly. I be­lieve that each life is a mir­a­cle and we should en­joy ev­ery as­pect of it.

I am al­so quite a driv­en per­son. I al­ways like to try some­thing new, some­thing in­ter­est­ing… I nev­er stop.

I am quite an ac­tive lady in both sport and in life. I am very fond of sum­mer. I ac­tive­ly par­ti­ci­pate in wa­ter sports and I al­so like horse rid­ing. I love an­i­mals.

I like to go on pic­nics with my friends at the week­ends but I am al­so an ex­cel­lent cook so the man I spend my fu­ture with will nev­er go hun­gry.

I like to go on pic­nics with my friends at the week­ends but I am al­so an ex­cel­lent cook so the man I spend my fu­ture with will nev­er go hun­gry.

My biggest dream is to have a hap­py fam­i­ly with my beloved man close by me. We all de­serve to be hap­py. We should just wait for our mo­ment and grab it when we can.

We should take a step to­wards each other then we can find out if we are each other’s destiny.

Yours, Ju­lia

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