There is no music sweeter in the world than the sound of the voice of a loved one.

Solomiia from Kiev, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a beautiful woman Solomiia from Kiev, Ukraine. She is an active, straightforward, positive and outgoing lady. Solomiia likes singing, cycling, active rest, picnics, hiking. She’s looking for a partner, who has family values and the right outlook in life. Would you like to know more about her? Read Solomiia’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.

Hi Hi! My name is Solomiia and I would like to share the thoughts that came to me to­day dur­ing my au­tumn walk. Oh, how I love the be­gin­n­ing of au­tumn - the in­cred­i­ble smell of fall­en leaves rustling un­der my feet and the sun ... what a sun in Septem­ber! It is gen­tle, warm and cozy ... what a plea­sure it is to go out of town - to the for­est, or to stop by the lake, have a small pic­nic and just lis­ten to the mu­sic of na­ture ... the sing­ing of the birds, the wind and the rustling of leaves - all th­ese sounds cre­ate melodies of in­cred­i­ble beau­ty!

I am a pas­sio­nate and in­sa­ti­able wo­m­an who longs to find love, warm feel­ings and a se­ri­ous re­la­tion­ship here. My body is made for love and af­fec­tion. If you ev­er touch me, you will un­der­s­tand that I am a gen­tle, ro­man­tic, af­fec­tio­nate wo­m­an ... just imagine... the moon, the stars, just you and I, we meet and un­der the sun share a pas­sio­nate em­brace ... Do you want this?? I re­al­ly want ...

I so want to share this at­mo­sphere with you - af­ter all, ev­ery Septem­ber even­ing is sim­p­ly un­for­gettable. It’s the per­fect time to walk when you’re in love ... it’s the per­fect time for lone­ly hearts to find love. This is the per­fect time for the peo­ple who are search­ing for them­selves ... be­cause this sereni­ty al­lows a swarm of your thoughts to get you back on track!

It was one of th­ese even­ings that brought me here, to this site ...

I re­al­ly hope that very soon I will have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to spend such even­ings with my fu­ture loved one!

Let's cre­ate a strong cou­ple to­gether and dive in­to a world of pas­sion and ro­mance.

Best wish­es,

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