Elena from Rîbniţa, Moldova

This week we are happy to introduce you an amazing lady Elena from Rîbniţa, Moldova. This beautiful lady possesses not only an unbelievably beautiful appearance, but she is a very talented and interesting person. Elena adores dancing and enjoys being in the nature. Would you like to find out more about this wonderful lady? Read Elena’s story and admire her beautiful photos.

Hello, Sweetie!

Do you love walking in the forest on a quiet autumn day when the sun is shining gently overhead? We see it every day. It’s the sunset, the sunrise, the song of birds, the blooming of flowers, the wind that blows, etc.

Do you love listening to the sound of the leaves under your feet? And how nice it is to enter the cool water, sit on the bank of the pond with a fishing rod on a hot summer day? And in winter to breathe the frosty air and enjoy the sparkling frosted tree branches!

On the one hand we cherish these natural blessings, on the other hand – we don’t appreciate fully their importance.

Nature is wonderful! It gives us so much love and joy.

I love walking in the forest, or just wandering or walking along the sea. Nature gives us energy, it gives us life. It’s a mystery, it’s a tale, it’s magic as it is.

Probably, one day we’ll admire the beauty of nature together.

Sincerely yours,

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