This life is sad when you have noone to share emotions with!

Kristina from Mariupol, Ukraine

This week we are glad to introduce a cute lady Kristina from Mariupol, Ukraine. Kristina loves life and her everyday routine is full of great and positive events, good people and fantastic impressions. Would you love to know more? Read Kristina’s message and enjoy viewing her nice photos.


Can you be­lieve that joy in your life is much easi­er to find and more ac­ces­si­ble than you could ev­er have imagined? I nev­er stop smil­ing and I’m a child in my soul. I smile ev­ery time I feel the sun in my hair, I love bal­loons and sea breezes.

I don’t like pre­tend­ing: life is on­ly re­al when you tru­ly re­joice ev­ery day that you live. Do you agree? I'm not a naive dream­er, but I would love to ful­fill my dreams.

My first dream is to meet my true love and cre­ate our own fam­i­ly. So I’m here to make my dream come true. Are you ready to join me?

My heart is big and ready to give love to the whole world. I’m here to cre­ate my own world full of bright and pos­i­tive mo­ments. Will you be with me? Would you like to be­come part of my world? I’m al­ready look­ing for­ward to gett­ing to know you bet­ter! I re­al­ly hope to be­come your sun­ny girl!

With ten­der kiss­es,

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