Irina from Poltava, Ukraine

This week we are glad to introduce you a sweet lady Irina from Poltava, Ukraine. Irina is very positive and she keeps being in a good mood. Her life is full of wonderful moments and energy that Irina gladly shares with everyone around. Would you like to know more about her? Read Irina’s story and view her nice photos.

Hel­lo ev­ery­one,

My name is Iri­na.

I'm the sort of per­son who be­lieves that, if you want it enough and if you be­lieve that you de­serve to have it, any­thing is pos­si­ble. I am not a princess or a heroine, I am strong and in good shape but, to be hon­est, some­times I want to feel more frag­ile when I am with my man.

I'm ac­tive, I al­ways like to learn new things and right now my new hob­by is ski­ing. I like to have fun and be with my friends and my new hob­by is a great op­por­tu­ni­ty to spend time with them out­doors in the fresh air.

I like to trav­el and vis­it new places and now I plan to vis­it dif­fer­­ent ski re­­sorts. Would you like to join me?

I try to re­mem­ber the best mo­ments in my life and cap­ture them in my me­m­o­ry. Life is too short and I do not want to spend it sitt­ing on the so­fa. Dar­ling, if you have the same in­ter­ests and way of think­ing, wel­come to my world.

The high­est peaks are wait­ing for us!!


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