Julia from Voronezh, Russia

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce an elegant woman Julia from Voronezh, Russia. Julia is a calm, kind, gentle, sociable, and energetic person who loves romance and has a great desire to start a family. She loves cars, doing sports and eating healthy food. Julia wants to meet an optimistic and loyal man who wants to love and be loved. Would you like to know more about her? Read Julia’s story and enjoy her great photos.


My name is Ju­lia. I’m a ro­man­tic wo­m­an, and I do love all kinds of ro­mance. I like walks in the moon­light, cute sur­pris­es like love notes hid­den in a jack­et pock­et, rose pe­tals on the bed, scent­ed can­dles, hot con­fes­sions. I’m well-ed­u­cat­ed and ev­er since ado­les­cence I’ve earned my own liv­ing. I now have a high lev­el job and my own apart­ment.

Apart from work, let me tell you about some­thing else in­ter­est­ing that hap­pened in my life – I won a beau­ty con­test in my re­gion 5 years ago. Ini­tial­ly, I didn't even plan to take part but my friend filled in the ap­pli­ca­tion form and then told me about it. It was her birth­day pre­sent to me. Pret­ty orig­i­nal, right?

Any­way, al­though at first I was a lit­tle an­gry with her, I then thought that per­haps it was fate and de­cid­ed to take part. It was a tre­men­dous ex­pe­ri­ence par­ti­ci­pat­ing in the con­test and in the end I was very grate­ful to my friend for se­cret­ly reg­is­ter­ing me.

It was a re­al­ly in­ter­est­ing event for me and be­cause I love beau­ti­ful dress­es and jew­el­ry, gett­ing crowned on stage in a chic dress was a great oc­ca­sion for me.

With love,

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