Veronika from Kharkov, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce an attractive lady Veronika from Kharkov, Ukraine. Veronika is an open, calm and kind lady, who is fond of psychology! Interested? Read Veronika’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.

Hi my Dear,

My name is Veroni­ka. I have lot of in­ter­ests and I al­ways like to try some­thing new and exc­it­ing.

My main hob­by is sport. I run ev­ery morn­ing and lead a healthy way of life. I al­so like to vis­it new places and ci­ties by my­self even those in my own coun­try.

I am in­ter­est­ed in his­to­ry and read­ing too.

I am a very re­mark­able lady with a deep in­n­er soul. Beau­ty is not some­thing that we have on the out­side, it is some­thing we have deep in­side of us. I be­lieve in love and I am al­so con­vinced that the pow­er of thought is huge and that if you re­al­ly want some­thing it will hap­pen quite soon.

I am a lady with tra­di­tio­n­al views. I am fam­i­ly ori­ent­ed and ready to build a long term strong re­la­tion­ship. I am ready to share the views and in­ter­ests of my fu­ture part­n­er and to share mine with him.

You will be nev­er bored with me. I am rather in­ter­est­ing to talk to. Do you want to check that out for your­self?


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