Valeria from Poltava, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a charming woman Valeria from Poltava, Ukraine. Valeria is a bright, curious, courageous, loving, caring, and generous person who is in love with music and likes dancing and teaching dancing. Valeria’s looking for a cheerful, kind, caring, emotional, and curious man who will always be by her side. Would you like to know more about her? Read Valeria’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hi there.

My name is Va­le­ria and I am com­plete­ly in love with cruis­es. If you are a fan of good mu­sic, a na­ture fa­nat­ic, a lover of tas­ty food and good wine or you just love to trav­el, you will be sur­prised to know that there is a sea cruise that fits with any in­ter­ests.

Sea cruis­es give me the op­por­tu­ni­ty to in­dulge in my favou­rite hob­by dur­ing the trip. I love to spend time near the wa­ter. From the fresh sea air to white sand beach­es, it is re­al­ly tough for me to find the per­fect words to de­scribe my feel­ings.

I love big boats and cruise ships. Sail­ing al­ways re­duces my stress. Sail­ing ex­pos­es me to an ar­ray of wa­ter sports that are ex­treme­ly good fun and very ex­hi­larat­ing. I am a very ac­tive girl.

Ev­ery­body needs the oc­ca­sio­n­al break and go­ing on a sea cruise is per­fect for that. Look­ing out at the sea from the top deck of a cruise ship leaves me speech­less! I would love to share such an ex­pe­ri­ence with you. Maybe you would like to set off on an ad­ven­ture with me?


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