You live only for once, but if you do it in the right way, once is enough

Tatiana from Zaporozhye, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a beautiful lady Tatiana from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Tatiana is an optimistic and kind lady who likes playing tennis and drawing portraits. She is looking for a kind and honest person who could be ready to make decisions and be responsible for his actions. Would you like to know more about her? Read Tatiana’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hi dar­ling!

Do you think wo­m­en could be suc­cess­ful in busi­ness? I re­cent­ly had a brain wave – an idea for a won­der­ful oc­cu­pa­tion came to my mind. I want to start pro­duc­ing lin­gerie! Be­ing fond of draw­ing and sew­ing, I en­joy cre­at­ing sketch­es of wo­m­en’s un­der­wear and turn­ing them in­to re­al­i­ty with my own hands.

My lin­gerie is not like Vic­to­ria’s Se­cret – it’s much bet­ter! I like dif­fer­ent de­signs but right now I need to de­cide on colour.

What colours do men want to see their sweet­hearts wear­ing? A re­cent sur­vey found that the ma­jor­i­ty of men pre­fer black and red. To my mind, black is very sexy and red is known to be the colour of pas­sion! I would like to add dark green and dark blue to my first col­lec­tion. Do you think that would be a good idea? : )

I know that not on­ly wo­m­en vis­it lin­gerie stores. There are men who buy un­der­wear as pre­sents for their other halves. Have you ev­er gone to a store like that and or­dered gifts for your beloved?

Wish me well with the start of my busi­ness! I would like to share my fu­ture suc­cess with you.

Sin­cere­ly, Tanya.

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