Diana aus Poltava, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a charming lady Diana from Poltava, Ukraine. Diana is a very romantic and sociable lady, who loves sport, music and art events! Interested? Read Diana’s story and enjoy viewing her gorgeous pictures.

Hi my Dear,

Let me start by say­ing that I'm a young lady with a ro­man­tic soul and maybe you will find it very in­ter­est­ing to know that my main hob­by is play­ing the piano! I like mu­sic so much and when­ev­er I have any spare time I en­joy spend­ing it in the mu­sic room. It is a great op­por­tu­ni­ty to spend time with my friends and lis­ten to mu­sic.

I al­so like to go to dif­fer­ent con­certs. By the way, what kind of mu­sic do you like? I hope we have some­thing in com­mon.

I want to tell you that I am an easy-go­ing and ac­tive, ro­man­tic and a lit­tle bit old-fashion per­son.

I am car­ing and lov­ing, pas­sio­nate and sen­su­al. I give my­self to­tal­ly to what­ev­er it is I am do­ing.

My life is full of pos­i­tive emo­tions, dreams and fan­tasies. I need some­one who will help me to make them be­come re­al! If you are ready to be­come mine and love me - I will make you the hap­pi­est per­son in the whole world!


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